Sunday, March 9, 2008

Happy 910308 to you

Ok.I know.. my blog has been a lil ... =/ 'trouble-like-kind' ..sorry!! =) and yeah well i guess it's about time for me to update.. Sorry for being M.I.A, cause i just have a lot of things of my mind and .. yeah .. no mood do to blog? ok..enough excuses..

Few days ago..A certain someone...Mr Always-worrying-thinking-he's-fat had just turned 17!! wow? how you've grown =)

hmm.. kinda badly taken ..

MR Always-worrying-thinking-he's-fat

Anak manja..

Don't care..must spoil your picture..

Sorry for the disturbing pictures..
Bro just wanna get married badly =p

Once again..Blessed Birthday bro.G

Will get for you your casting crown lastest album.

You just be patient yeah.. haha

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