Saturday, June 9, 2007

ArgH!! i've beEn TaG !!!

AHH!! BEen Tagged by ElenA .. so Em Hmm hEre's to THe 37 questionS...

1) Name one person who made you smile last night.
em...who AR?! =)

2)What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Was still in my dreams...zzzzzz

3) What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Walking around the house like some Dungu

4) What was something that happened to you in 2006?
My friend passway ='( , When for RBS

5)What is the last thing you said aloud?
Haven been opening my mouth since i woke up so i dunno how to answer that,

6) How many different things did you drink today?
eh ERLO? i just woke up..

7) What color is your hairbrush?
I don't use any hairbrushes... i use my hands =)

8) What was the last thing you paid for?
Reload Card

9)Where were you last night? Was in church.

10) What color is your front door? Em.. i ...dun really know what colour it is =/ sorry..

11) Where do you keep your change?In my wallet lah!!

12) What is the weather like today?Not so sunny...(the weather has been really nincompoopish this few days)

13) What is the best ice cream flavor?ChoCoLATeS!!!!

14) What is something you are excited about?
ChoCoLATeS!!!! hahaha FOOD? yea!!!

15) Do you want to cut your hair?
YEs yes.. of course i do.. been so bushy -____-"

16) Are you over the age of 25?
Em.. Do i look like one?

17) Do you talk a lot?
That depends.. If i go super HIGH and crazy.. yea!!! haha

18) Do you watch The O.C?
I used to watch it..

19) Do you know anyone named Steven?
Of course! Goes by the name of Steven CHOO!!

20) Do you make up your own words?
NIncompoopish YOU!? seSated!??I like combining malay word and english word together =)

21) Are you typically a jealous person?
Emm.. i think so?

22)Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "A"

23) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “K”
Koko-CRuncH... em ahah .okok..... KelSO!!

24) Who’s the 1st person on your received calls list?

25) What did the last text message you received say?
I kinda Delete me Inbox liao.woopS!

26) Do you chew on your straws?
Yea i do.. when im super bored in a mamak...will start chewing on it.eheh

27) Do you have bath?
DUH!! Of courSE LA!!!

28) Where is the next place you’re going?
Em.. Not sure. BUt am going out though

29) Who is the rudest person in your life
Can't think of any

30) What is the last thing you ate?
My pills

31) Is marriage in your future?
HmmM?? MY future is in GoD's hand..

32) What is the best movie you’ve seen in the past two weeks?
SumoLAH? PiraTEs? i blur la .. can't remember..

33) Is there anyone you like right now?
NO need to be so KepO..

34) When was the last time you did the dishes?
Oh GoodnesS! you caught me!..emm haha.. i can't remember..

35) Are you currently depressed?
Not really though am sad cuz realizing this month a lot of ppl are dying..don't you think so?

36) Did you cry today?
No..Im not some cry baby..

37) Why did you answer and post this?
Why You Keep asking sO mucH queStioN!! Em cuZ eleNA here tagged me.That's why...

I Tagged Edwin, Leong Eng, My sisTA, DaviDKhoO and JoziLLa

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