Thursday, December 20, 2007

What Christmas really means to me

Ever had the thought of what Christmas really means to you? personally ?
do you ever have that warm fuzzy feeling inside?
Whenever you hear Christmas carols being played,
Christmas tree being lighted up,
Don't you feel excited !? cause Christmas is just around the corner!
The O-So-Yummy-Licious food that you can only eat somehow during Christmas..
The long awaiting of getting what you really want from your parents..since you used up your birthDAY wishes.
Family members from overseas gathering for a Family Dinner..
Isn't it wonderful?

But I hope we are not forgetting about the most important person here
On why we are celebrating Christmas.
Though the world may want us to forget about Jesus.
Lets not let them do so?
Why the Xmas when Christmas is really all about Jesus Christ.

I believe that if it's weren't for Christ being born into this world
Christmas will be meaningless..
in fact...(hah what am i saying here..)
There won't be Christmas!

So what does Christmas really means to me anyway?
It's simply about the birth of our Lord Jesus.
i'll say that the feeling is indescribable when Christmas is around
For i can't thank Him enough to what He has done for me.

God bless you people and have yourself A Merry Christmas.

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