Friday, December 12, 2008

Colin ... sexy?!

Well ok, this time I got tag again .. by ms man ling here cause she thinks I'm sexy! Not sure which part of me is .. but who cares!?! *proud moments* Haha! ok, that's just plain stupid. So anyway moving to the point, I find this tag rather interesting, that's why I'm doing it.. for the fun out of it. So here's how it go..

- Snap or just shift through the photo gallery and
pick 3 picture of yours which you think are sexy.
-Dont have to be revealing.
-Explain why you think so.

Oh but before that, while browsing through some pictures from my file.
Just wanted to show this to you guys, I just love this picture so much.
Sunlight.. learning how to appreciate it now

Ok ok :) Moving on..

I find chocolates sexy .. i know it doesn't make any sense but I've always felt it that way.
Haha! I don't know.. It makes you feel sexy?

This is a sexy game. The game itself.. ever played futsal to the beat of 'hips don't lie'?
I did.
Gets you all pump up, start dancing to some samba beat while doing some brazilian's skill..
Football - one word .. sexy

Fender bass guitar
Now this is what I'm talking about! Ever touch or stroke your fingers onto this sexy equipment?
the body is just awesome.. the skin, the curve, the strings.. everything.
if only it's mine..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

l o v e

for love is the Greatest gift of all